TOUCHDOWN! : Marketing Your Way to a Win with Contractor 20/20
A team can’t win a football game with physical strength alone. A team needs to strategize before the game, during the game, on the field, and off the field. Players need to be mentally agile, able to make the thoughtful, effective decisions that will help them meet their short term and long term goals. Short term: win the game. Long term: be the best.
But what if a football team loses a game? Do they give up? Do they call it quits? Never. They head back to their playbook, watch tape, evaluate the plays of the game, figure out what worked and what didn’t, fine-tune or completely alter strategies, and come back to the next game ready to win.
At Contractor 20/20, our marketing experts are the coaches, support staff, and players who work together to develop the best possible marketing playbook for your plumbing, HVAC, or home services business. We begin by researching what your company is currently like out on the field. We start crafting a playbook that maximizes your strengths while minimizing your weaknesses. We take the time to evaluate what you’ve done in the past, so that any failures will not be repeated. Advanced research shows us how your customers feel about you and which media outlets will prove most effective for your advertising.
Our defensive coaches develop plays that will defend your reputation, ensure customer satisfaction, and protect your bottom line. We use tools like thank-you cards, follow-up, proper price setting, and sales training to keep your customers coming back to you. With a strong defense, your competitors will not be able to break through.
Our offensive coaches create plays that will draw in new customers through forms of advertising like radio, television, internet, direct mail, and specialty marketing. Radio and TV advertising improve your company name recognition, making all other marketing efforts more effective, thereby bringing down the costs of your long term advertising. Targeted direct mail brings in the right new customers while also keeping your company’s name fresh in the minds of past customers.
Contractor 20/20 also has the support staff and resources to help your employees prepare to win the game. With the right training, your employees will have the skills to make the tackle. Our marketing experts have the whole field covered because we have the whole game, in fact—the whole season in mind.
Like any good coach, Contractor 20/20 knows that you don’t use every play in every game. The truth is we only need to use about three of our many plays to get you the win (increased net profits!), so we take into consideration your market, competition, and customers to determine which plays will yield the most success. Rather than waste your money on random marketing tactics that might work, we find the most cost-effective marketing solutions that will work.
If your game is a little sluggish, and you’re ready to get out there and WIN, it’s time to give Contractor 20/20 a call. Let our skilled marketing “coaches” help you devise the marketing playbook that will help you reach your goals!