Slow Day Guerilla Marketing

“When you don’t have a job … your job is to find a job”   best advice my Mom ever gave me

10 keys to slow day success

If the best you can do on a slow day is to break even or even just plant some seeds with new contacts,

it is still a day you beat the competition who did nothing.

Every day you beat the competition is a good day that made you stronger. Learn to enjoy every step forward, no matter how small.

10 Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin, …”

Zechariah 4:10

New Living Translation (NLT)

1)     Call customers you did plumbing work in the last 18 months ( to get around do not call rules )  for a free water heater service here how it is done
2)     Put signs in front of happy customers’ homes then do simple door hangers or nice goodie bags … we produce these
3)     Visit local companies and ask for the director of maintenance and give that person your light commercial brochure …. We produce these ( see draft attached)
4)     Hand out free water bottles from you truck at a busy park or local event on a hot day
5)     Contact some churches or civic groups offer some free labor if they pay for parts then ask for a thank younote and a free ad in their newsletters, church bulletins of common hall billboard.

6) Park your unused trucks in strip mall lots (now they are mini billboards )

7) If you have 4 or more trucks do a parade them around town, then park at one donut store in a high traffic area to create a buzz

8)     For HVAC companies call customers that have not had their systems tunes with a special offer , one you did work for in the last 18 months to get around do not call rules
9)     Call customers you did estimates for in the last 18 months to see if they still need the work done , talk about a slow week discount to keep the men working

10)Do some outrageously great deals using google ad words that go a temporary Monster Sale Page on your website … make sure they have an expire date on them in case they wind up in the customer’s computer’s cache … make sure that you key word your competitors … so your ad shows when their customers are looking for their phone number but (make sure you do not use the keyword insertion feature … this could get you in a world of hurt )

Emily Morosi