In a digital world, having your business accepted and verified by Google is everything. Essentially, Google controls it all, so an effective web presence involves being on the search engine’s good side. If you are new to the world of search engine optimization or SEO, it can be intimidating – but now you don’t need to worry. It’s a complicated world, and at Contractor 20/20, we know it backwards and forwards. Your first step in optimizing is to conquer your Google My Business listing, and make it as accurate and easily accessible for potential clients as possible.
Keep It Current
On a listing, there’s a reason you want to keep any and all information that pertains to a business current. Yes, it’s what you think: So people can find you without a hitch! We know you can relate to this in your own life. For instance, have you ever looked for a certain restaurant or store and tried calling the number, only to find it disconnected or incorrect? We all have. But right then and there, that company lost a chance to earn your business. If you have not already done so, your task is to search for your listing, claim it as the owner, and make sure your name, address, and phone number – aka NAP data – are all current.
Define Yourself, and Show Off a Bit
Search engines like Google are picky about the listings they choose to select. For this reason, it truly is all about the details. One of those details is defining your business category – what you are and what you do. If you are reading this, it’s more than likely you are a plumber, HVAC professional, or an electrical contractor. These categories should be relatively easy to find and select. If you are unsure what to choose because it seems that multiple categories could define you, choose the one that most relevantly defines what you do. And it also helps to look into what your colleagues in similar industries chose, as well. Then it’s photo time! When people can see what your business is like, it adds a degree of trust, and that helps to attract people. Upload genuine, high-quality photos only. Think about what you would want to see.
The Last Steps to the Best Listing
Finally, there are three steps you should take to have one of the most highly-optimized listings in Google. The first would be adding your business’ current, full hours, including holiday time changes and other modifications. You can never give too much information. Then, always try to encourage reviews from customers in the most non-annoying way possible – and be sure to say thank you, or address any problems a reviewer may have experienced. The last step to having the best listing would be to add a description of your business to Google+, and then you’re all set!
Create the Optimal SEO Strategy With Contractor 20/20
Your Google My Business listing is only the first step in getting your foot in the door to the world of online presence and local search engine optimization. If the above information came across like a foreign language, that’s why we’re here – we have you covered. An internet marketing campaign is an essential part of the world we live in, and to be the most successful, you need an effective one. Our experts have proven methods o““f increasing traffic – with proven results. If you are a plumber, electrical contractor, or HVAC business owner, give us a call today at (607) 770-8933.